17 January 2007

1963 Gibson 125TDC

A friend rescued this forlorn piece of junk from the basement of a building being demolished in Portland and gave it to me,
because I fix stuff.

Split from bout to bout thru the tailpiece, bridge gone missing,
frets and fretboard ground to death by some hard bending neck choker.

Cleaned it up some and took it around to local luthiers,
who said the cost of repairs far exceeded the book value.

So I clamped it up as close as I could, tite-bonded the cracks, made a bridge out of purple heart and strung her up, tuned low and open.  Eventually I added new tuners, a repro adjustable bridge and a Seymor Duncan SH1 '59 in the bridge position.

Tuned way down to CFCFAC, the tuning stabilizes, its easy on the fingers and it's a screamin' P90 slide machine. Lonesome George.

Liking that P90 wail more every time I plug it in.


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