18 January 2007

The Amps - Johnson Millenium 150

Some bright fellow from Utah decided to make the ultimate cover band amp and is generally credited with success, despite the never-ending gnashing by the power tube purists. Whenever I plug into a 'big name' combo, I'm amazed at how harsh they sound in a small room at practice volume.

I don't cover anything, but I love total distortion played at a whisper, late at night after the spousal & kids are out for the count. Every sound a closet rocker could want with the spin of the big black knob.

Johnson sold out to a conglomerate and the JM150 became the Line6 Vetta, but 5 years later, they still keep their website up:


and John has his private amp page:


Also keep a Johnson J-Station, a battery powered Roland Microcubes, a yellow Crate Taxi,
a cheapo Peavey 112 bass amp and that old 3W Silvertone running a scratchy 60's stereo console speaker.

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